All projects funded by the European Structural and Investment funds operate within a national and regional policy context that influences where and how the funds are allocated and spent. Of course, there are many Welsh Government policies and initiative which would be relevant but those with the largest impact on funding are:
You can find more information below and on the Welsh Government website.
Following the key recommendation of the Guildford Report, the independent review of the arrangements for the 2014 – 2020 ESI programmes, the EPF was developed to help guide the use of EU funds. It includes a summary of the different investments being made across Wales to ensure that European Funded operations are developed in the correct funding and policy context.
WEFO view and appraise applications in the context of a range of documents that include both the Programme for ERDF and ESF and the EPF. They want to ensure that lead partners have understood that their plans sit in context with a wider picture of investment in Wales and the EPF will be their guidance.
Applicants for funding from WEFO are expected to demonstrate how they will add value to what is already happening or planned in Wales and the EPF will be the reference point. It will help them to plan their projects to avoid duplication, identify partners and networks and refine their delivery plans.
There is a regional element to the EPF which sets out the key drivers and opportunities across the four regions in Wales. The section related to South East Wales will be vital for operations looking to deliver in the region.
The Welsh Government is committed to improve the employability support that is available to the people of Wales. To achieve this they are developing an Employability Delivery Plan. At the moment the plan is still at an early stage. This section of the website will be updated in due course but, in the meantime, for more information on the proposals please visit the Welsh Government website.
The Wellbeing of Future Generations Act (WFGA) requires public bodies in Wales to think about the long-term impact of their decisions, to work better with people, communities and each other, and to prevent persistent problems such as poverty, health inequalities and climate change.
The WFGA has seven Well-Being Goals that provide a shared vision for public bodies to work towards:
For more information please visit the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales website.
Taking Wales Forward sets out how the Government intends to deliver more and better jobs through a stronger, fairer economy, improve and reform our public services, and build a united, connected and sustainable Wales.
Actions are grouped into four priority areas:
This strategy takes the key commitments of Taking Wales Forward and places them in a long-term context, setting out how they will fit with the work of the wider Welsh public service to lay the foundations for achieving prosperity for all.
Priority areas – those which will have the greatest potential contribution to long-term prosperity and well-being:
The strategy can be found on the Welsh Government website.
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Wales supports farmers, the countryside and rural communities. These activities encourage the sustainable management of agriculture and the environment. There are four key areas covered by the policy:
The CAP is divided into two parts known as ‘Pillars’.
Pillar 1 provides direct payments to farmers and will run from 2015 – 2020. The direct income support for farmers allows them to:
Pillar 2 delivers the Wales Rural Development Programme which gives the Welsh Government the opportunity to support rural communities and businesses, and to ensure that natural resources are used sustainably.
The Rural Development Programme focuses on:
The Wales Rural Network is a useful reference point for news, events and information about rural development. The unit helps to make connections with other people, communities, organisations and businesses across rural Wales and beyond.
Organisations interested in rural funding steams may find it helpful to register for the GWLAD newsletter which is the Welsh Government’s e-newsletter for those interested in forestry and agriculture in Wales.