WEFO are delighted to announce that Mike Hedges MS has taken over the role of Chair for the Wales Programme Monitoring Committee for European Structural and Investment programmes (2014-2020).
Mike brings a wealth of knowledge and experience as a member of the Senedd for Swansea East for just over a decade, as well as previously representing Morriston on Swansea County Council and as Welsh Local Government Association spokesperson on both social services and information.
As Chair, Mike will be key in advising on the effective implementation of the European Structural and Investment programmes, which continue to help shape our strategy for securing the best possible results for Wales up to December 2023 and beyond, particularly in light of the UK’s exit from the EU.
Mike attended his inaugural meeting as Chair of the Committee on Thursday 2 December and said, ‘I’m very pleased to be involved again with European funding and whilst we know European funding is ending we must make the best use of the money we still have to spend.’
View the latest Programme Monitoring Committee meeting papers