The operation will work to create new business units in response to evidence of demand in Bridgend County for small/micro enterprise space. At the time of application the units are expected to provide both office and light-industrial at three different sites around Bridgend County creating jobs and growth opportunities.
This operation has the opportunity to target deprived communities and provide support to a range of economic sectors by providing:
A cross County approach will be undertaken in partnership with the Bridgend Business Forum and a range of local stakeholders to support the development of business sites and premises in Bridgend County Borough. Bridgend County Borough Council will be the lead beneficiary.
The operation will ensure that referral linkages are established with ESF National skills and employability programmes. The operation will ensure that jobs opportunities and opportunities to access targeted recruitment and training are offered locally to those seeking employment.
The project will be specific to Bridgend.
Communications and Monitoring Plans have been submitted to WEFO. Planning application to be prepared once site A delivery option chosen.
Study visits undertaken at Merthyr and Tredomen recently to look at similar approaches. Observations from attendees is being compiled to inform considerations of project options.
Drainage works around site A are nearing completion. Work with architects is ongoing. SuDS Pre-application complete along with tree surveys for all sites, CCTV survey, bat surveys and asbestos survey for site A.