
We have produced a series of seven films that will showcase the positive impact European Funded projects are having within region along with the work of the SE RET.


Film 1 – Introduction to the role of the SE Regional Engagement Team

Our first film was released in November 2019.  The film showcases the role of the team, highlighting the importance of partnership working and the need to link strategic developments with operational delivery to maximise the impact of the EU investments.

Film 2 – ERDF P2 SME Competiveness

The second film, completed during the lockdown in Spring 2020, shows the impact the ERDF Priority 2 SME Competiveness projects are having across the region, with a focus on the ERDF P2 network and how it brings operations, local authorities and other key stakeholders together to maximise the benefits across the Cardiff Capital Region.

Film 3 – ERDF P1 Research & Innovation

This third film was completed in early 2022 and illustrates how ERDF has supported innovation across the Cardiff Capital Region, highlighting some of the wide range of projects being delivered using funds from ERDF Priority 1.

Film 4 – Employability and Skills Across the CCR

This film was completed in spring 2023, and was showcased at our Celebration Event on 11th May.  The film illustrates how ESF funded projects support participants to overcome a wide range of barriers to enter employment, training and progress in the workplace.

Film 5 – ESF Supporting Young People

This film highlights some of the ESF funded work that has supported young people who are or are at risk of becoming NEET.

Film 6 – Celebrating the Impact of EU Funds Across the Region

This film has captured the regional celebration event held on 10th May 2023.  Featuring interviews with workshop leads and presenters, the film highlights the successful impact of EU funded projects and partnerships on the Cardiff Capital region. 

Film 7 ERDF Priority 4 Transforming South East Wales

This final film highlights some of the physical developments and the impact they have had across the region.