Project factsheet

Project Fact Sheet

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Project evaluation

02 WCVA AIF Evaluation Final Report 20220930

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Active Inclusion Fund – This project has now closed

Project description

The Active Inclusion Funds aim to make a significant contribution to raising levels of employment and reducing economic inactivity in Wales.

Grants will fund engagement activities (Include) and/or paid, structured, supported employment (Achieve) with those furthest from the labour market, in order to give participants new skills and increased confidence that will enable them to become economically active.

Active Inclusion is not specific regarding any service or activity for an Include project or activities. For an Achieve project or activities, Active Inclusion will fund organisations to provide paid supported employment to support and develop people who may have become benefit dependent and to progress them into unsupported employment.

Geographical coverage

The project works in all areas throughout Wales

Essential eligibility criteria

Beneficiaries (organisations applying for funding): determined through stage 1 of an online grant application process.

Participants (individuals the projects can help): long term unemployed and economically inactive; 25+; and must fit one of the following categories:

  • aged 54+ (Economically inactive only)
  • BME (Long-term unemployed only)
  • Carers (Economically inactive only)
  • people from Jobless households
  • Low Skills
  • Work Limiting Health Condition

Specific targets

  • Engagement
  • Qualifications
  • Employment
  • Volunteering / supported work placement
  • Job search (Economically inactive only)

Each funded project has its own individual targets. Overall the employment target is 18% of those engaged, but approximately 11% for Include activities and 52% for Achieve activities.

Contact details

Telephone: 0300 111 0124
Website: Website
Facebook: Facebook
Twitter: Twitter

Additional details

Alternate Twitter: External link
YouTube: External link
Flickr: External link