Project factsheet

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Business Wales

Project description

The Welsh Government is committed to supporting SMEs across Wales which is why we are investing £86m up to 2020 in our European funded programme, Business Wales, to ensure entrepreneurs and SMEs have access to the information, advice and support they need to help them start, grow and prosper.

The latest phase of Business Wales aims to create 10,000 new businesses, 28,300 new jobs and provide support to help inspire the next generation.

Business Wales provides businesses and entrepreneurs with a single point of contact for business information, advice and support from the public, private and voluntary sectors, and can be accessed digitally via the website and social media channels; the 03000 6 03000 helpline; and a network of offices located across Wales and is a fully bi-lingual service.

Delivery model

Business Wales offers a combination of online, telephone, one to many and one to one business support which is tailored according to client need and the different regions of Wales, dependant on local requirements.

Business Wales provides a range of general business advice, information and signposting as well as specialist strands of advice such as equality & diversity; resource efficiency; international trade; skills; procurement; and mentoring.

Businesses can access the support via the website or contact the Business Wales team through the Business Wales enquiry line.

Geographical coverage

The project will benefit all local authority areas of Wales

Essential eligibility criteria

Individuals looking to start a business and established Small and Medium size businesses (SME’s) of all sectors across the whole of Wales qualify for the support.

Contact details

Telephone: 03000 6 03000
Website: Website
Facebook: Facebook
Twitter: Twitter

Additional details