Project factsheet

Project factsheet

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Caerau Local Heat Scheme

Project description

The Caerau Local Heat Scheme is a demonstration scheme that will provide low carbon heat for over 700 domestic properties and a primary school in Caerau. It aims to:

  • Demonstrate investment potential and scalability of an innovative local renewable energy scheme
  • Provide enhanced energy security and resilience to residents and businesses
  • Address fuel poverty and health inequalities among residents
  • Support the development of a new energy industry and create opportunities for local supply chain businesses
  • Develop skills levels and community education in the low carbon agenda

Delivery model

The Project will deploy the infrastructure and IT support systems necessary to utilise a local geo-thermal resource (mine water).

This project is funded from the European Union Structural Investment Funds Programme 2014–2020 through the European Regional Development Fund, Priority 3 (Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency). It meets Strategic Objective 3.2 – Increasing the number of commercially viable small scale renewable energy schemes.

A Community Energy Partnership (governance) and an Energy Service Company (ESCO – delivery) procured by Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC) will manage delivery. Strategic project management, innovation input and high level governance will be led by BCBC in partnership with the national body: Energy Systems Catapult – SSH Programme.

Geographical coverage

The project will be specific to Bridgend.

Essential eligibility criteria

  • Severe fuel poverty.
  • Area based
  • Predominantly owner occupied homes

Specific targets

  • Renewable energy: 990 KW by year 5 and 2,988 KW by year 10 new energy installed.
  • Carbon abatement: 588 CO2e reduction in year 5.
  • Supply chain development opportunities for local businesses: £7.753m value to supply chain through procurements.
  • Local employment in high technology, high value, high wage industry: 8 jobs created.
  • Income generation and financial savings potential: 15% in household bills

Contact details

Name: Mike Jenkins
Telephone: 01656 643179
Address: Bridgend CBC, Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB

Website: Website


The extent of the underground resource has been tested by drilling a borehole. Community engagement work has taken place to support and inform the community. The project has undergone a re-profiling exercise and was paused through the latter half of 2019. Nordic Heat have now been contracted to produce a Detailed Project Delivery Plan, further explore the underground resource and further develop the techno-economic work carried out by Challoch Energy. A legal team has also been engaged to develop the SPV.