Project factsheet

Project factsheet

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Project evaluation

Mid Term Evaluation for CEMET WWV

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Case Studies

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CEMET – Centre of Excellence in Mobile & Emerging Technologies

Project description

CEMET engages with SMEs based in Wales to undertake collaborative research and development projects in order to establish new products and services. The programme has a dedicated, in-house research and development team, with expertise in a range of emerging technology areas including VR, AR, MR, AI, Serious Game Technology, IOT and Blockchain. Each project is delivered using the Scrum framework and incorporates frequent two-way knowledge transfer.

Delivery model

Stage 1. Business Diagnostic
The first stage of CEMET involves assessing each company that expresses an interest to participate in the programme to ensure that they are eligible, credible, and creditable and that their idea is viable.  A diagnostic is conducted with each SME either to support them in developing their scope for a Stage 2 Collaborative R&D project or for standalone knowledge exchange whereby an SME can gather valuable advice and guidance on the latest technology and how it could positively impact their business.

Stage 2. Collaborative R&D
The collaborative R&D process commences during the second stage of the programme. Each research project is delivered using the Scrum framework and incorporates two-way knowledge exchange between CEMET and the SME.

Stage 3. Route to Market
The final stage brings the collaboration to an orderly conclusion, by ensuring that the R&D, knowledge transfer and road-mapping processes have been completed.

Geographical coverage

The project will benefit all local authorities areas across Wales.

Essential eligibility criteria

  • Must be based in Wales and no more than 25% owned by a non-SME
  • Must qualify as an SME
  • If non SME i.e. <10 employees, the business must be able to evidence growth potential by registration with the AGP, Business Wales or a similar programme

Specific targets

CEMET undertakes R&D projects, in collaboration with industry, supporting businesses to introduce new to market or new to firm products. In addition to these specific targets, CEMET is looking for clients that are in a position to capitalise on the research and development undertaken, in order to create a positive impact within the Welsh economy.

Contact details

Name: Matthew Smith
Telephone: 01443 483490
Address: University of South Wales, Johnston Block – Room J343, Treforest Campus, CF37 1DL
Website: Website
Twitter: Twitter


The table below shows progress for the West Wales and the Valleys (WWV) operation to the end of June 2021:

WWV cumulative business plan targets to end June 2021WWV cumulative delivery to end June 2021Variance
Enterprises receiving non-financial support7675-1
Partners collaborating in research projects76848
Enterprises supported to introduce new to the firm products38424
Enterprises supported to introduce new to market products1212-
Private investment match funding£389,277£449,729.17£60,452.17

The table below shows progress for the East Wales (EW) operation to the end of June 2021:

EW cumulative business plan targets to end June 2021EW cumulative delivery to end June 2021Variance
Enterprises receiving non-financial support21232
Partners collaborating in research projects24262
Enterprises supported to introduce new to the firm products12131
Enterprises supported to introduce new to market products242
Private investment match funding£185,816£240,921.67£55,105.67