WEFO will not be developing a centrally led social media or communications campaign to promote EU Structural funds projects on Europe Day. However, as the UK is still participating in the current EU Structural Funds Programme it is a matter for organisations in receipt of EU funds to decide whether they wish to promote their projects in marking Europe Day this year.
Any publicity should follow WEFO’s information and publicity guidance and should aim to focus on the difference that funding and projects are making to people, businesses and communities in Wales. Please also remember to use the hashtag #EUfundsCymru when posting tweets, photos and testimonials.
In previous years, organisations have been encouraged to fly the EU flag to celebrate Europe Day. WEFO would like to emphasise that there is no obligation to do this, and it is a matter entirely for your organisation.
If you have any queries, please contact WEFO Communications on wefo-communications@gov.wales