Project factsheet

Project factsheet

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JobSense – Please note this project has now closed.

Project description

JobSense will provide specialist support to enable people with a sensory loss (i.e. people who are deaf, have hearing loss and/or tinnitus and people who are blind or have vision loss), to enter/re-enter employment or move closer towards employment. The project is open to people with a sensory loss, aged 25 or over who are long-term unemployed or economically inactive.

Delivery model

The operation offers a range of interventions tailored to the needs and circumstances of the participants and will offer confidence building and vocational skills and practical help with transport issues. JobSense will provide support to businesses to identify and facilitate suitable vacancies, and will leave a legacy of employers better informed on the needs and support mechanisms available to people with a sensory loss.

Geographical coverage

The project works across the East Wales programme area.

Essential eligibility criteria

Participants must be aged 25 or over; be long-term unemployed or economically inactive; live in one of the following areas: Cardiff, Newport, Vale of Glamorgan, Monmouthshire, Powys, Flintshire, Wrexham. Participants must have a sensory loss.

Specific targets

  • 390 participants engaged
  • 215 Gain qualifications or work relevant certificate
  • 27 Engage in job searching
  • 42 Completing a work experience placement or volunteering
  • 106 Entering employment including self-employment

Contact details

Name: Julie Bush
Telephone: 07442 998297
Address: Action on Hearing Loss, Anchor Court, Keen Road, Cardiff, CF24 5JW

Website: Website

Additional details

Hearing Loss

Martin Griffiths

Action on Hearing Loss


Sight Loss

Zoe Gambling

Elite Supported Employment Agency (Cardiff, Newport, Vale of Glamorgan, South Powys)


Clare Lewis

COS (North Powys, Flintshire, Wrexham)