Local Government Elections and Structural Funds
Apr 28, 2022
There will be elections to Welsh Local Authorities on 5 May 2022. This will be preceded by a formal pre-election period for the Welsh Government, commencing on 14 April 2022, in line with the English and Scottish pre-election periods.
Before undertaking any communication or promotional activity, we would recommend Local Authority lead beneficiaries / partners in the first instance should refer to their own guidance on how to proceed during a pre-election period as to what activities may continue however the WEFO Communications Team are happy to provide any additional advice on these matters.
Please see below confirmation of WEFO operations during the pre-election period, this relates to EU Structural Funds projects where there are Welsh Local Authority lead beneficiaries / partners:
- New or additional funding announcements and any associated promotion will be paused. Those which have received approval for funding and WEFO has not announced this funding, will not be promoted during the pre-election period. Those who may receive approval during the pre-election period, will receive this on embargo and are not to promote this during this time.
- WEFO will continue to award financial support to operations and issue approval letters, variation letters etc. however, this will be under embargo. Both WEFO Communications and project beneficiaries should not announce or publicise the award of new or additional funding during the pre-election period.
- WEFO Communications – any pro-active activities promoting these projects will be paused.