Project factsheet

Project factsheet

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Project evaluation

Final Evaluation M2ETaL V1.3

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METaL 2 – Please note this project has now closed.

Project description

METaL is a unique project funded by the EU’s European Social Fund, through the Welsh Government. Our aim is to address a skills shortage in materials and manufacturing through the provision of work based learning leading to a general up-skilling of the workforce which will ultimately help secure sustainability for Welsh industry.

Geographical coverage

Metal is a Pan Wales project.

Essential eligibility criteria

All participants must be in employment. All participants must live or work in the eligibility area.

Specific targets

To train 1350 participants over the lifetime of the project.

Contact details

Name: Khalil Khan
Telephone: 01792 606490
Address: METaL Project, Baglan Bay Innovation Centre, Baglan Energy Park, Port Talbot SA12 7AX
Website: Website
Twitter: Twitter