Project factsheet

Project factsheet

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Project evaluation

Evaluation of Parent Childcare and Employment

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Parent, Childcare and Employment (PaCE)

Project description

PaCE can help improve the employment prospects of economically inactive parents, where childcare is their main barrier, by helping to prepare for and access employment opportunities.   Parents will receive individualised help via the Parent Employment Adviser out in the community, who will help to improve skills, tackle low self-esteem/low confidence and move parents/guardians closer to sustainable employment.

PaCE will cover the cost of childcare while parents undertake training, work experience or volunteering and gain the skills they need to get a job.

The project provides:

  • Offer one-to-one support in family friendly locations, supporting searches for training and employment
  • Help with ‘Better Off’ in work calculations
  • Offer Self-Employment advice and guidance
  • Support pre-employment childcare costs
  • Advice on local registered childcare provisions and costs

Geographical coverage

The project works in all non-Communities First areas throughout Wales.

Essential eligibility criteria

  • Parents aged 25 and over who are economically inactive
  • Young Parents (16-24) not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

Contact details

Telephone: 0300 0604400
Address: Welsh Government, PaCE Team, Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF10 3NQ
Website: Website

Additional details

Local authority area of delivery and contact name

Bridgend & RCT – Laurie Hayward
Cardiff, Caerphilly, Newport, Monmouthshire, Torfaen, VoG – TBC