Regional Skills Partnership news

Jun 30, 2022

Skills Survey

We’d like to remind you all about the Regional Skill’s Partnership Skills and Employment survey.  The survey will close to responses at the end of July so there is still plenty of time to make a contribution.

For those in the region who have not previously engaged with the CCR Skills Partnership (CCRSP), they are one of four skills partnerships in Wales. They work to understand the key skills priorities that face industries in our region. They will use information gathered through this survey, and wider engagement with stakeholders in the region, to help inform the Employment and Skills Plan.

Complete the skills survey

Completing this survey contributes to the CCR Employment and Skills Plan for 2022-2025. This plan is key to informing Welsh Government what skills and training are required in the region and where their funding needs to be allocated in order to fulfil these demands.

This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete but it could make a huge difference to the skills landscape of the CCR. It can be completed anonymously, although including the business/organisation where prompted will allow a better understanding of the context for the response and the geographic coverage of the survey.

View the results dashboard for the 2022 employer skills survey.

Final COVID impact report

As we covered in our April newsletter, the CCR RSP has been collating soft Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) to better understand the impact of the COVID pandemic on the region.  The data has then been submitted to the Welsh Government for their work on the Covid-19 pathway to recovery.

The reporting work has come to an end and the RSP have now published a final summary report. The document includes key findings around the general business impact, staffing levels and recruitment and training and development as well as more in-depth sector summaries for the seven priority sectors of the CCR (advanced material & manufacturing, compound semiconductors, construction, creative, digital & enabling technology and human foundational economy).

Read the final CCRSP Covid-19 LMI report.

For more information on the reports contact: