Project factsheet

Project factsheet

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STEM Cymru 2

Project description

STEM Cymru 2 will build on the success of the STEM Cymru project to continue to encourage young people in the 11 to 19 year age range to increase the take up of and attainment levels in STEM subjects. The operation will deliver a range of exciting STEM engagements and activities linked to employers in industry.

It aims to:

  • contribute to increasing the take up of STEM subjects amongst 11-19 year olds to address the significant shortfall in availability of suitably qualified individuals for the future prosperity of Wales
  • increase educational attainment in STEM
  • aid the reduction of the gender gap in STEM
  • encourage more students into STEM subjects at A Level
  • raise awareness of environmental issues

Support will be targeted at increasing the attainment levels in STEM subjects amongst 11-19 year olds.  Participants will develop a range of skills that will allow them to be more flexible and adaptable and they will be more aware of the need for employability skills, while improving attainment through applying maths, science and technology knowledge in real contexts.

Geographical coverage

The project works in all areas throughout Wales

Essential eligibility criteria

Pupils aged 11-19

Specific targets

The specific target groups of participants for this project will be school and college students in the 11-19 age range, with a focus on engaging with females to encourage the uptake of STEM subjects with a particular focus on getting more interested in careers in engineering.

Contact details

Name: Robert Cater
Telephone: 01656 669381
Address: Waterton Centre, Bridgend, CF31 3WT
Website: Website
Facebook: Facebook
Twitter: Twitter